We can reduce your stress over content planning & strategy.

When working with clients trying to streamline their content, or start anew, we often hear "How do we get our audience to the content most important to them?”

Planning your content can be one of the hardest aspects of any IT project. Whether it be website content that has ballooned over the years, or content that drives internal business application solutions, a solid content approach is essential to any project's success. It lays the groundwork for your information architecture, your design, setting engagement and success roadmaps and maintaining relevant content moving forward.

Avantia knows how to weave content planning throughout your entire website project. It informs design, user experience planning, and overall digital strategy. It should be constantly considered.

What We Do:
  • Content inventories
  • Content strategy
  • Information architecture & site maps
  • User journey planning
  • Content migration & support

Avantia removes roadblocks to progress.

We help you move past digital content strategy concerns so your project can move forward.

"We have so much content on our website, it's overwhelming."

It is not uncommon to find that content has been added over time. We know it can be overwhelming, but it does not have to be.

Using a combination of effective information architecture, a scan to inventory what is out there and a deep dive into your analytics will dictate what content stays, what goes and what can be combined or refactored. Letting your strategy guide the process makes all of the difference.

"How do we get our audience to the content that is most important to them?"

You want your audience to easily be able to get to what is most compelling to them. But how do you know what that is?

Your analytics will tell a lot of this story. Top content, top converting pages, and custom events gives you insights that should inform the strategy. In addition, consider doing focus groups to understand how your users are navigating and experiencing the site. Assessing the goals of your users and their ease in achieving those should not be guess work.

"Should the design come before content planning, or the other way around?"

Content strategy should be part of the overall design concepting and user experience planning. For instance, a website that is primarily for content delivery, such as news sites, will have a design that acknowledges the content and provides a design that speaks to how the user's will need to navigate to the content they seek.